Process media valves consist of discrete pipeline valves with two or more ports that separate different media, allowing for the On/Off electromagnetic control of fluids or gases, including condensate, steam and other process media. Because of their construction, the process media never have any contact with the valve's working components (usually metal). These valves are robust and highly reliable, and have been developed and rigorously tested for use in the chemical, gas and oil industries.
Part No: VZWM-L-M22C-G38-F5-R1, 546163
Part No: VZWF-L-M22C-G2-500-1P4-6, 1492117
Part No: VZWM-L-M22C-G114-F5-R1, 546167
Part No: VZWM-L-M22C-G12-F5-R1, 546164
Part No: VZWM-L-M22C-G1-F5-R1, 546166
Part No: VZWM-L-M22C-G2-F5-R1, 546169
A number of different designs are produced by pneumatic specialist companies such as Festo, including both pneumatically activated and solenoid activated valves. Rowse Pneumatics is an authorised Festo Partner. Angle seat valves This type of durable and hard-wearing valve is pneumatically piloted and designed for use with steam, high viscosity fluids, and fluids with coarse media. Pinch valves This type of pneumatically activated valve has a replaceable cartridge and is designed for use with liquids, gases and abrasive media. Diaphragm control valve This type of solenoid activated valve is suitable for both gaseous and liquid media, and functions with differential pressure changes. Piston control valve This type of solenoid activated valve also requires differential pressure, and is suitable for high pressures up to 580psi. Direct acting piston valve This type of solenoid activated valve is designed for high pressure functions up to 1300psi, and supplies rapid, repeatable actuation. Force pilot diaphragm valve This type of solenoid activated valve doesn't need differential pressure to function and is suitable for vacuum devices.